Researchers have found that the enjoyment of avocados leaves stubborn extra kilos disappearing. Especially at this body Avocados...
Study: Avocados kill stubborn fat
Have you ever tasted avocado as a sorbet, avocado as a brownie or an avocado date cream? But should you! The best recipes can ...
Avocado Sorbet: These sweet avocado recipes you must try
Avocado Sorbet
Avocado date cream with strawberries
1. Chop the dates roughly and soak in hot water for about 30 minutes. Then drain through a sieve and collect the soaking water.
You finally want your body fat to the collar? These teas will help you Teas do not only taste delicious, they also help with...
These teas melt body fat
1. Mint tea
2. Matcha tea
3. Green tea
4. Goji tea
5. White tea
Because of weight loss! We'll tell you why you've grown heavier overnight The daily course on the scales can be just as encoura...
Why did I increase overnight?
Because of weight loss! We'll tell you why you've grown heavier overnightThe daily course on the scales can be just as encouraging as sobering. Even small numbers of changes upwards can be particularly frustrating when you are actually getting rid of extrakilos.
But do not be discouraged! It is completely normal that your weight fluctuates - even if you have been very consistent in terms of nutrition and sports. We'll tell you what can be the cause of your sudden overcrowding:
1. You have taken more sodium
Salt intake? Less is more!
One reason why you weigh more in the morning might be your salt consumption. If you have taken more salt the day before , your body does not build up excess water but saves it.
This helps: It sounds counterproductive, but when you consume salty food, you need to drink more. This helps to flush the sodium from the body. Or: Reduce your salt consumption - which is much healthier for your body anyway.
2. Your body has not digested the food properly
Weight gain bowel
You weigh more when your intestine is full
Quite simply: you put more weight on the balance, if your gut is not emptied. The food you have taken has obviously a certain weight and / or is not yet completely digested . You take the whole thing on the balance.
This helps: Weigh yourself only when you are sure that your intestine is emptied. If, on the other hand, you have a feeling of fullness, you should rather do without cradling in order not to discourage yourself. Basically, you can simply activate your bowel by drinking lots of water and keeping it moving.
3. They are too irregular
Weight gain time
Always weigh yourself at the same time!
In order to gain clarity about your actual weight, you should weigh on the same days at the same time and in the same situation. Your weight can change several times a day!
As you lose weight in just one week, we show you here .
This helps: For example, weigh yourself every morning after the toilet and before the shower (best without clothes). This is the only way to draw comparisons.
4. You have your period
Weight gain period
During your period, your weight can be up to four kilos higher!
Unfortunately true! Hormonal changes also contribute to weight gain. One to four kilos you can "increase" in this time. But no worry! These kilos disappear again. Nevertheless, the period helps to keep more fluid in the body, which explains the higher weight.
This helps: Do not weigh yourself five to seven days before your period. Only on day three or four during your period will the excess liquid disappear and you can "take your weight" again.
5. You have eaten too many carbohydrates
Weight gain carbohydrates
Also here: less is more!
Carbohydrates are important and good for your body. However, eat too much of it , exceed your actual need, which of course is noticeable on the scales. Increased grease and water storage may result.
This helps: Find your carbohydrate balance! In this case is less often more.
6. Take the pill or other medication
Weight gain medicines
Do you take medication? Weight fluctuations are completely normal!
Hello water storage! If you take the pill or other medicines regularly (or in a certain period of time), this may be the cause of the extra weight. Weight fluctuations are much stronger than without medication due to water retention.
This helps: While you are taking medication or the pill, you should not give as much on the weight fluctuations. Therefore, you should weigh larger distances to see clear differences.
Infographic about "Increase Overnight"
Do you believe apple juice is healthier than cola and sushi is perfect for a diet? Then you should read it and let yourself be instructed...
8 food myths that you should forget as soon as possible
Food rules you should not believe:
1. Apple juice is a low-calorie alternative to cola
Due to the high percentage of fruit sugar a glass of apple juice (250ml) has 115 calories more calories than a glass of cola (95 calories). If a healthy diet is important, it should drink more water and unsweetened tea and do without fruit juices and soft drinks.
2. Fresh vegetables are healthier than cooked
If you think that only fresh vegetables is healthy, you are mistaken. Boiled carrots contain, for example, more carotenoids than fresh carrots. Even stewed tomatoes have a higher proportion of lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
3. Sushi is suitable during a diet
For many who rely on low-carb, sushi is the perfect alternative to other meals. However, a portion of salmon rolls with 60 grams of carbohydrates contains 23 grams more than a burger, which, however, contains a total of more calories. If you want to lose weight, sushi is not a viable alternative. By the way: With these "rotten" tricks you burn completely 100 calories.
4. Honey is a low-calorie sugar substitute
Whether in tea or yoghurt - most believe that honey is more figurative than sugar. In fact, a teaspoon of honey with 25 calories contains more calories than a teaspoon of sugar with 16 calories.
5. Dried fruit is the perfect snack for between
When dried, fruit loses up to 80 percent of its vitamins and antioxidants, which in turn means that you should prefer fresh fruit.
6. Popcorn is unhealthy
These are especially good news: Popcorn is healthy. One serving contains a staggering 300 mg of antioxidants, while an apple contains only 160 mg. In addition, popcorn has a high proportion of fiber. Of course salted popcorn is better than sweetened.
7. Cheese inhibits any diet
A widespread diet myth is that you should completely abstain from cheese because it contains lots of fat and calories. What many do not know is that 100 grams of cheese contain almost 750 mg of calcium and are therefore very healthy. In addition, the linoleic acid contained in cheese prevents the accumulation of fat and thus helps to lose weight.
8. Low-fat products are healthier
A common fallacy is that low fat products are the better choice in a healthy diet. However, since fat gives the food its taste, low-fat food requires several flavor enhancers, which in fact often contain more calories. All dairy products also have fat-soluble vitamins, which in turn means fat-free dairy products: no fat, no vitamins.
That everyone is lighter in the morning than in the evening, everyone knows. But on which day of the week should you actually weigh? We ...
This is the best day of the week to weigh
Our weight is subject to a constant cycle, scientists have found in a study of Cornell University. While we lose weight on a regular basis during the week, we are just as regular on weekends. The logical consequence of this is that we reach our maximum weight on Sundays and the easiest afternoon is easiest. But how can we determine our true weight when the scale is showing something different every day? The answer is: weigh on Wednesdays! Because in the middle of the week the balance shows us our average weight, on which we can orient ourselves well.
How often should I weigh myself?
And how often should we weigh? A study, published in the "Plos One", shows that the more the participants weighed, the more weight they lost. So if you want to lose weight sustainably, it is advisable that you weigh at least once a week. So you have your weight all the time and can control yourself best. And if you feel that your scales are spinning, no reason to worry.
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That everyone is lighter in the morning than in the evening, everyone knows. But on which day of the week should you actually weigh? We ...
Because of weight loss! We'll tell you why you've grown heavier overnight The daily course on the scales can be just as encoura...
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