Researchers have found that the enjoyment of avocados leaves stubborn extra kilos disappearing.   Especially at this body Avocados...

Study: Avocados kill stubborn fat

Researchers have found that the enjoyment of avocados leaves stubborn extra kilos disappearing. Especially at this body

Avocados make stubborn kilos disappear. According to a study, approximately 29,700 adults were published in the " Internal Medicine Review ". Above all stubborn fat on the hips is to disappear by the enjoyment of avocados.
People who eat avocados should therefore have 33 per cent fewer problems with overweight, and the risk of accumulating fat around the hips is 32 per cent lower than in people who never reach avocados.
On average, a person who is often eating avocados is generally healthier. He will eat less bad carbohydrates, sugar and salt. For more healthy fats and fiber, the researchers said. Avocado lovers also have more vitamin E and vitamin C, as well as magnesium, copper and potassium in the body.
Furthermore, the food of avocados keeps the insulin game gel on a healthy level and reduces the amount of homocysteine, an amino acid that damages the blood vessels if the dose is too high in the body and thus favors hereditary diseases.