Do you believe apple juice is healthier than cola and sushi is perfect for a diet? Then you should read it and let yourself be instructed...

8 food myths that you should forget as soon as possible

May 14, 2017 0 Comments

Do you believe apple juice is healthier than cola and sushi is perfect for a diet? Then you should read it and let yourself be instructed

People who want to eat healthily and lose weight often try to find suitable alternatives for certain foods that are sugar-reduced, low-fat or low-carbohydrate. What most people do not know is that the alternatives are not always healthier than the original.

Food rules you should not believe:

1. Apple juice is a low-calorie alternative to cola

Due to the high percentage of fruit sugar a glass of apple juice (250ml) has 115 calories more calories than a glass of cola (95 calories). If a healthy diet is important, it should drink more water and unsweetened tea and do without fruit juices and soft drinks.

2. Fresh vegetables are healthier than cooked

If you think that only fresh vegetables is healthy, you are mistaken. Boiled carrots contain, for example, more carotenoids than fresh carrots. Even stewed tomatoes have a higher proportion of lycopene than fresh tomatoes.

3. Sushi is suitable during a diet

For many who rely on low-carb, sushi is the perfect alternative to other meals. However, a portion of salmon rolls with 60 grams of carbohydrates contains 23 grams more than a burger, which, however, contains a total of more calories. If you want to lose weight, sushi is not a viable alternative. By the way: With these "rotten" tricks you burn completely 100 calories.

4. Honey is a low-calorie sugar substitute

Whether in tea or yoghurt - most believe that honey is more figurative than sugar. In fact, a teaspoon of honey with 25 calories contains more calories than a teaspoon of sugar with 16 calories.

5. Dried fruit is the perfect snack for between

When dried, fruit loses up to 80 percent of its vitamins and antioxidants, which in turn means that you should prefer fresh fruit.

6. Popcorn is unhealthy

These are especially good news: Popcorn is healthy. One serving contains a staggering 300 mg of antioxidants, while an apple contains only 160 mg. In addition, popcorn has a high proportion of fiber. Of course salted popcorn is better than sweetened.

7. Cheese inhibits any diet

A widespread diet myth is that you should completely abstain from cheese because it contains lots of fat and calories. What many do not know is that 100 grams of cheese contain almost 750 mg of calcium and are therefore very healthy. In addition, the linoleic acid contained in cheese prevents the accumulation of fat and thus helps to lose weight.

8. Low-fat products are healthier

A common fallacy is that low fat products are the better choice in a healthy diet. However, since fat gives the food its taste, low-fat food requires several flavor enhancers, which in fact often contain more calories. All dairy products also have fat-soluble vitamins, which in turn means fat-free dairy products: no fat, no vitamins.